Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Here I Am ...

No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth. The last few weeks have just flown by so fast I got lazy and stopped blogging.
The kids both had end-of-the-school-year awards assemblies in which each of them got multiple awards (yes, I am bragging) as well as the usual class parties, sleepovers and fun stuff like that.
The good news is that even though I let the blogging slide a lot over the last month I have been trying to stay very diligent with my book.

Probably the best unexpected motivation came last week when my 200 pound black Labrador stepped on my bare foot. I ended up limping by the next night and then spent the next few days with my foot wrapped, elevated, and iced.
It's at this point in my story I have to confess something ...

I am not a good patient.

There - I said it. Somewhere my husband is sighing and rolling his eyes. But hey, I admitted it.
They say that's the first step ...

O.K. ... I am a whiny, cranky, pouty patient.

But my foot is better now, and I finally checked my email for the first time in about a week. And what do I find there? Only a snarky little note from my sweet little friend Kathy nagging me about falling behind in my blogs.

Was I offended?
Was I deeply hurt?
Where big fat teardrops of agony falling on my keyboard?


I laughed out loud, posted her comment for all to see and got myself busy with a new blog entry. You see, dear friends ... nothing can spur on the fragile ego of a new writer as well as feedback like that.

Holy Cow !! You mean someone besides my mom actually likes this?

Now, that is not any sort of snide remark directed at my mother ... but Moms are supposed to like their kids' work - no matter how old they get. (The kids - not the moms. I just KNOW that my mom is taking that last sentence as a senility joke.)
I just didn't think anyone else would like the blog ... let alone check back for updates! Whoo-hoo!

One last thing - there is one last reason for my absence from the blog.


Go 49ers !!!!

Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!