Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Update

So, how was your Easter holiday?

Mine was (insert sarcastic tone) super special.


Because I tripped over a kitchen chair yesterday, and in my effort to not step or fall on my dog, who outweighs me by at least 30 pounds, (I hope) I fell and twisted my back. Therefore, I subsequently spent the afternoon and evening laying flat on my back on the family room floor - with occasional transfer to the couch - miserable as hell.

The kids went over to my in-laws for the traditional Easter dinner, while Hubby stayed home (I lost that argument) to take care of me. And let me just remind you all ... I am NOT a good patient. I am a much better care-giver, at home and in my old life as an ophthalmology tech. As a care-receiver, I am horrible. I am cranky. I am irritable. And I'm in pain.

All we had in the house was acetaminophen (generic Tylenol). Not a Soma in sight. And let me just tell you, boys and girls, that Soma is a gift from Heaven when one feels that one's spine is in the shape of a used twist-tie. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, and very low level of med tolerance, so it wouldn't have taken much pharmaceutical help to make me more comfortable. (Half of a hydrocodone is my limit - anything more and I toss my cookies.) But I had to settle for the Tylenol, and an ice pack. Damnit.

So just what did I do to entertain myself? Tried not to irritate my patient husband to the point that he smothered me with a pillow (although at one point I might have welcomed it), watched the History Channel, switched over to a mini-marathon of Ghostly Encounters, and then fell asleep. For hours. To get a good gauge of how rotten I felt, ponder this. I didn't even feel like writing. Or reading. (Gasp!)

The good news is that later on that night I actually felt better moving around, and got quite a few spontaneous pops from my lower back (the Danger Zone). I think the pieces/parts may actually be moving back to the correct position without the need for my back doctor. Yes, the same doctor that told me once that the reason I have lower back problems is because I've had two kids and because I'm tall. (5'11") Jokingly, I compared it to my black lab (a mom herself) and other large dogs that tend to have back and hip problems as they age. He looked at me and said, "Yep, you're a big dog."




Anonymous said...

You have been a busy girl! I ready your latest (3) blogs and laughed like crazy! Love the shot of Payt’s feet in gloves, and your words (as always) crack me up!!! So sorry about your back, but you made me laugh about it – big dog!


Your American Idol! said...

I went through years of back pain which, in my youth, was attributed to "growing pains." Even as a 6'4" adult, I just accepted it as a way of life.

Our little village is like the chiropractic capital of the midwest--I think we've got 8 of 'em in a town of 7,000-so even though I'd always kind of thought of it as quackery, I gave it a shot about a year ago.

I am a new man. Or at least, I have a new back.

So, in a twist on the old phrase, I (used to) feel your pain.

Hope you're back on your feet soon.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

My husband is 6'4" and also has a squirrelly back. He makes regular visits to the chiropractor to keep his pain in check. Otherwise? He's laid up in bed in massive amounts of pain.

Get better, hon!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Lori! But great Blog!


Lori said...

Thank you everyone for the kind words.
I'm getting better and less cranky, which is nice for everyone in my house.
Will hopefully feel up to posting like normal soon.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing -- NOTHING -- worse than a bad back. People don't realize until it happens. It is so unbelievably debilitating.

Hope you're recovering quickly.

Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!