Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sheer Laziness

There is so much I should be doing.
We've got people coming in just a few days to inspect the house so we can refinance it and get out of this freakin' ARM. (I know, stupid move. But what's done is done, right? No need to beat oneself up about it now ... not repetitively and obsessively with all the other mental self-flagellation I do and especially not at 3 a.m. when I can't sleep. That would be pointless and negative thinking and I would never do that.)
The house is in it's usual state of chaos, covered in a 2 inches of dust and dog and cat hair.
There are piles of laundry everywhere I look.
There are bags of clothes and boxes of toys for donation crowding the den. (They have dust on them too, 'cause some have been there a year.)
The sink is overflowing with dishes.
The backyard is "crap-tastic" with dog poop.
My son told me yesterday that "Maybe the Easter Bunny will bring the baskets and clean up the house for us!?!?!"

(Mr. Bunny, if you can hear me. Pleeeeease consider it.)

And what am I doing about all this?

Sitting on the bed, reading blogs - on my newly wireless laptop that I just can't seem to take my hands off of - and talking on Yahoo messenger with my son (who's in the next room) and my daughter (who's two rooms away) and my friend (who's 4 houses away), while I sit here and drink coffee. In my pajamas.

Hi, my name's Lori and I'm a Baaaaaaaad Mommy.

P.S. For the record - I did finally get up and shower, got dressed and cleaned the laundry room. You can actually see the floor in there now, and I toted two lawn and leaf trash bags to the curb stuffed with nasty old bed pillows (God knows why I hadn't tossed them earlier), stained or ripped clothes the kids had long outgrown and shouldn't be donated, and assorted odds and ends. (Like old sheets that an "anonymous" cat decided made a handy litter box when she didn't feel like going all the way downstairs to her real one. Did I mention she's really old and blind and deaf and indiscriminate about her potty habits?)

Yay, me! Now to tackle the rest of the chaos ...


Your American Idol! said...

Ah, we are kindred spirits.

I'll often sit and fret about the state of the house while doing everything but actually cleaning it up. But having someone coming over is great incentive. I'll wait until 15 mins before they arrive, then spring into action; a Swiffer-bearing, spray-bottle pumping whirling dervish.

Hey, getting the laundry room done sounds like cause for major congratulations.

Lori said...

I, too am a fantastic "deadline cleaner!"
I may have a week to get the house ready, but usually get 90% of the work done the day before, or the day of the company arriving.
At least the kids have less time to wreck the work before people show up!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Dude. I always wait until the last minute, too. I'd rather be blogging, reading, drinking coffee, or staring at the wall. Far less productive but much more fun!

Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!