Monday, March 31, 2008

One more

So, yeah. I'm posting again.

Almost a solid week of nothing but the echoing sound of crickets when you come over to visit my lil' ole' blog and now this.

Two in one day.

I know. Try to contain your shock.

I just had to come back and share this little thought about why I am so addicted to blogging. In the last week I haven't felt like writing, had nothing to say, and basically couldn't get those little synapses in my brain firing together long enough to string together a coherent sentence.

(As if I can achieve that on a normal day. )

In the past week of pain and misery and general grumpiness, the one non-caloric treat I had to indulge in was visiting my blog-friends. I have two in Wisconsin - Maggie and Ray, one in Georgia - Heather, as well as one in New York by way of Texas, one in Boston, and one that's moving from one state to another as you read these nonsensical ramblings. And those are just the ones off the top of my head, which is severely overtaxed. (See the previous post for the gory details.) There are at least another half-dozen that I visit every day, or every other day if my laptop time gets suspicious to other members of my family.

I feel a connection to these other people, a sharing of minds and humor and memories and pain and parenting and loss and successes. I've never met them in person, and may never get to shake their little paws.

But I just wanted to thank them for making this last week a little more bearable. They made me laugh out loud, nod my head in agreement, and tear up a few times. Especially for the sweetie-pies that stopped by and left me encouraging comments after my Easter "incident." I am thrilled and more than a little awe-struck that "real" writers would want to visit my little pages, read my words and leave such lovely comments.

I'm going to stop now. It's 12:30 and I'm getting all mushy and sentimental. I'll be back to my normal snarky self next time. And yes, Anne ... I know "snarky" is sooooooo five years ago but I don't give a damn. I love that word and I'm gonna keep using it as much as I use the word "nifty" because that's just me.

So, nyah!


Anonymous said...

Snarky is so five years ago??? Nobody told me.

(Thanks for the lovely words.) :) *sniff*

Anne said...

HEY!! I love snarky (the word and the state of being) That was a direct quote from another blog and you know it! Stop making me look bad, I can do that well enough on my own thank you.

Lori said...

Hey - I distinctly remember you making fun of me after we read that blog ... so nyah!
I just make myself look bad so often I though I'd bring you down with me. I want the company in that hand-basket we keep talking about.

Anne said...

No place I'd rather be babe!

Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!