Thursday, September 6, 2007


I really like being a stay-at-home-mom - but I've started to notice little things about my day that are just plain weird. New little "quirks" that I've become aware of, you see.

For instance - I think I spend the majority of my day walking around the house turning off lights and electrical gadgets that "someone" wandered off and forgot about.
It's the strangest thing. Yes, I know it's good for my power bill and probably helps Mother Earth somewhat not to waste power ... but for heaven's sake !! Who am I ?? And why do I sound like my Grandma when I holler (to no one in particular) that the bathroom light was left on again.

I won't even begin to count the amount of time I spend with my other facinating habits ... the list is interesting enough ... Ha !

"Such as?" you may ask. Such as hanging up wet towels left on the beds or bedroom floors after "someone" takes a shower ... letting the dog in and out 84 kazillion times a day (she's old and has a bladder the size of an M&M) ... flushing the toilet after someone else uses it and then darts off to resume whatever he or she was doing before that urgent call from nature ... and I may as well change the toilet paper roll while I'm in there. I seem to find them with only a wisp of tissue left, or else someone just dropped the new roll on the back of the tank.

I have always loved and admired Erma Bombeck for her writing ... I just never thought I'd understand her so well. The really shocking revelation is that I always thought she was making it up ... or exaggerating a lot.

Erma Bombeck is my new patron saint.


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Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!