Wednesday, July 4, 2007

First Day

My grandparents used to have a plaque in their home that read, "Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life" ... and I never really got it until now, and the age of 37.

Here I am. I have quit my career of 18 years. One day I woke up and realized that I couldn't go back and live that life one more day. I was physically sick at the thought of it! I didn't like who I was when I was there - it was a person I didn't even recognize. It wasn't anything huge or tragic ... I was just so unhappy. I had fallen out of love with my job, my career, all of it. And I was starting to really hate the woman that looked back at me in the mirror.

So there goes that identity. I have worked in the medical field all of my adult life. Now who am I? Now what do I do?

The puzzle pieces fell into place in such a smooth order it couldn't be anything but karma, or serendipity ... or whatever you want to call it. The opportunity presented itself to me when I was at my lowest point ... I could actually quit my job, spend every day with my husband and kids, and work full time as a writer.

You see, I won my first story contest at age 10 (a blue ribbon, I might add) and was hooked. I have written almost constantly ever since - in everything from dollar-store spiral notebooks to fancy cloth-covered journals. Then all of those events above came about, and my husband asked me what I would do if I could have any career in the world. The words popped out of my mouth before I thought about it ... but I really didn't have to. I want to be a writer ... for real. I want to put "writer" in those little boxes for occupation on forms. I was always proud of my job before and I loved talking about my work ... but it was always work for someone else. Especially making money for someone else. I want to work for ME!

I want to be a published author ... and I want to make just enough money so I can keep right on writing. I'm not looking for or expecting to become rich - comfortable would be just fine with me.

So off I go into my new life. I get to get up with my kids in the morning and get them off to school and then come home and write for hours on end. Or I can go to the library and do research if I want. Then I go pick up the kids, help with homework, do all the full-time Mom stuff I never could do on a regular basis. And if I get a great idea in the middle of the night, I can get up and write as long as I want and not have to worry about it affecting my patients in clinic or (worse still) surgery the next day.

This is so cool!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS to you my friend. I know that this is a great thing for your and your family! You have now become my hero!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you!!!! You will be a fantastic writer!!!


Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!