Monday, July 9, 2007

I didn't write one dang word this past weekend. But that's OK, because my son's 7th birthday trumps that easily. Besides, even though I wasn't actually sitting at the computer and typing doesn't mean I wasn't still writing in my head. In fact, I got two good ideas from random comments somebody made - so good I had to dash off and find my scribble notebook and jot them down before I forgot them.

Speaking of random thoughts ... I love the fact that I can stare off into space like a dork and if someone (that knows me) asks if I'm OK I can answer "Yeah, just plotting." The amazing thing is I have no control over it. I just start on a thread and have to work it out. I hold the fates of these imaginary people in my hand and head, and sometimes they won't go away. At least I'm usually home when that happens!

One aspect of this new career that can be tricky is distractions. There are two new ones in my house that I have to be very, very careful of. One is a little electronic game my daughter bought while we were buying her brother's birthday presents at the toy store. (She's wiley, that's for sure.) It's a game called 20Q (for 20 Questions) and I can very easily waste a lot time goofing off with it. The other is the Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix game for Playstation. I am not adept with the controls at all but I make a very good backseat driver when my husband or the kids are playing. The puzzles and tasks are loads of fun! So far none of my dear darlings has told me to take a hike - or shut the heck up - when I butt in ... but I know it's coming.

Well now, the kiddos are in bed so it's time for me to get something done for today. I love to write at night when the house is quiet ... and it helps with the spooky, gothic atmosphere in my book.

Did I just say MY book ?!?!?

Will I ever get used to saying or writing that phrase? I hope not.


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Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!