Saturday, August 30, 2008

Better Days

This has been a good week. The kids are both back in school again - and although we had a little kerfuffle (I really love that word) with Katie's schedule, that problem has been fixed and she'll have the classes she wanted as of next week. Payton really likes his new teacher, and seems to like third grade also.

I got really great news too. I finally got a call back from the library. I'm sure the man from the employment department thinks I'm quite mad because I nearly yelped in his ear when he said I had the job. The hours are perfect - part time so I can still be with the kids a lot - although the pay is peanuts.

I know I could go back to ophthalmology and make three times as much money but my heart just isn't in it. I was so miserable at the end of that career I get nauseated thinking of going back. All the politics and backstabbing and crap ... bleah.

I loved taking care of patients, learning and working with my doctors but I couldn't just clock in, do my work, clock out and go home. Everything and everyone gets tainted by the tornado of drama and that ruins everything. Gossip is everywhere, and gossiphounds thrive.

Enough of that negative crap ...

I'm still working with Charlotte at the book review site and loving it. Imagine - getting free books in the mail to read and then write about. I'm loving it so much that if I was getting paid to do it I'd die from happiness. As it is, free books are payment enough for now.

Most amazing of all is that Charlotte sent my name to a publisher. I've been working on my resume' and will send it off as soon as it's polished. If I could get paid to write, work at the library, and spend time with my kids, well ... that would be too wonderful for words.

This was just a quick update for those of you that still check back in with me. I know I've been posting so infrequently that I may have lost many readers but I'll never stay away.



RiverPoet said...

I keep up with you through my blog reader. You post; I see it. I'm glad to know that you're doing well and that you're getting to review the books while adding to your collection. It's a rare talent to be able to and want to do that. I'm afraid I would lock up, not wanting to read something that wasn't for pleasure (this is what college did to me!)

Hugs - D

v said...

Congrats on the library job! I'd love to do that (and it'd be so much cheaper for me than when I worked at Barnes and Noble and spent a good part of my paycheck there). Things sound good.

Rhonda said...

Congrats on all the good news Lori! I'm totally jealous...I'd love to read books and write about them. So I'll live through you for now!! ;) Glad to hear the kiddies are adjusting to school. I just can't believe that it's that time of year already! Grant's been in school almost a month now and it just amazes me on how quick he's picked up on things. Take Care!

Jen said...

Congratulations on the job!!!

I know what you mean by your heart not being into it anymore. I feel the same way about my HR career. I am so much happier as a SAHM these days!

Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!