Thursday, February 14, 2008

Frustration !!!

O.K. ... deep breath ...

There is nothing like spending the last hour trying to get something as simple as Google AdSense set up with my blog/website and realizing that time after time, screen after screen, I've failed miserably.

What a freakin' waste of time!!!

I've got my Google and Adsense account registered - but do you think I can finish the set up? NOOOOOO !!! This is only about the fourth time in the last six months I've tried. Damn!

I am so pissed off and discouraged I want to chuck the whole computer out the window.

O.K. cool down. Can't use this blog just to rant about every little thing that torques me off - can I?

On a more positive note - the morning started out great. Got the kids off to school and then colored my hair while I watched The DaVinci Code. Sweeeeet!! Washed the color out and patted myself on the back for covering every one of those pesky little grey hairs. The color looks fabulous and my hair is soft as can be.

Then I just had to push my luck and jump on the computer to try my hand at the damn Google stomach-churning, mind-numbing experience. Again.

Double Damn!

I'll post more later because I actually have some good news to share ... but I don't want the whining of this posting to taint it.

See you in a little while ....

... I think I need a cookie ... :)

1 comment:

Anne said...

Ranting here is a very healthy thing. (cause if you can do it I can do it and it is all about me after all snicker)
Seriously though good try, and good day even though you got frustrated. You rock girl.

Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!