Friday, March 21, 2008

The Cobwebs

Yes, I did continue the Great Cleaning Mission today.
I cleaned the master bathroom to within an inch of it's (and my) life.
My sinus passages are cleared out, man - after the Pine Sol and Windex fumes. Whew...

But I did get cooperation from the kids. They actually worked together to clean their bathroom, with only a few arguments. Honestly, I expected worse - making those two work together in one relatively small room AND making them clean is like throwing two hungry, psychotic pit bulls and a small pork chop into a tiny cat carrier. I expected a lot more bloodshed.
Somehow, they were able to work together and shine. (Pun intended)
Kaitlin even played her Three Days Grace CD, which Payton really loves.
(Yes, my kids' names rhyme. No, we didn't plan on that. Yes, it's a major pain in the butt when I holler up the stairs and I hear a voice answer, "Did you say 'Kait' or 'Payt' ?")

Speaking of music ...

While I was cleaning, I had my iPod serenading me, with two of my favorite playlists on. I am just witty enough to have titled the first one "Chick Tunes" - featuring songs from women, and the second was "Dude Tunes - featuring ... well you can figure it out. (I have my moments of brilliance and cleverness, they just don't usually strike at 2 a.m. when I'm goofing around on iTunes.)

Anyway ...

I was completely taken back in time by several songs I heard. Now, we have all heard how scents bring back memories. But I was really surprised by my response to a few of the tunes. I was scrubbing away, amazingly happy, lost in my memories. If you're in the 35- to 45- year old age range, I think you'll enjoy this trip more than most. Here we go ...

The first was Barracuda - Heart (1977). When I hear this song, I am seven years old and spending the weekend at Dumont Dunes in California, sitting by the campfire with a million stars overhead in the winter sky. Seriously, the combination of the peaceful sky, the smell of an open campfire and the distant roar of dune buggies doing a night run is heaven on earth. If you haven't tried it, DO.

Next, we have Back in the High Life - Steve Winwood (1987). Now I am 17 years old and a senior in high school. Hanging out with my best friend Sophia, ditching school or cruising the Strip in her 10 year old Datsun and sharing french fries at McDonald's.

Then, we have Like the Weather - 10,000 Maniacs (1988). This cassette was woefully overplayed in my 1984 Ford Escort's tape deck, and I literally wore the thing out. I played it to death during the summer after my graduation, while I was trying to figure out what the heck I was going to do with my life.

Which brings us to Sweet Marie - Hothouse Flowers (1990). Another tape that I played until it wore out. (The hot Vegas summers may have played a part in the disintegration.) This was after my short stint (one year) in Santa Barbara, CA as a live-in nanny and subsequent return to the desert. I still love to drive around, late on a hot summer night with the windows open and this song blaring. (On the rare occasion we're out late.)

Last but not least, Been Caught Stealing - Jane's Addiction (1990). After the return to my hometown, I hung out with old friends, and met two fantastic girls - Heather and Debbie - that introduced me to the wonders of "The Sports Pub" - which used to be across the street from U.N.L.V. in a two story building. (Located over the Kinko's) It was a typical university pub with the usual college /alternative music and cheap beer, and HOT bouncers. I learned to wear a hat on nights out there, as I discovered quickly it was an easy "conversation starter" for guys. (I'm smart like that.)

It was a little strange to look at my 37-year old self in the (newly clean) bathroom mirror and remember the girl I used to be. I'd love to go back and tell that girl to not stress and freak out so much about what was around the corner. It all works out pretty great. You get to meet the love of your life when you're 23, have two great kids, multiple great animals (I'm a sucker like that) and two great careers. Relax, and enjoy the social life.

Just a stroll down Memory Lane, boys and girls. Hope you enjoyed the ride.

I sure did.


Your American Idol! said...

'Soundtrack of Your Life' would make a pretty interesting series of blogs (I'm sure someone out there has already done it).

Back in the day...waaaay back in the day...I used to be on the fringes of the Grateful Dead scene, which brought me to Vegas for a memorable weekend in 1995.

Well, memorable in the sense that what I actually remember seems pretty interesting.....

Lori said...

Well, OK then. You can consider yourself tagged. Let's hear your samples!
I remember when The Dead came to town in 1995. I had quite a few friends that spent a couple of "blurry" days out at the Silver Bowl too. I think it's amazing you remember it, too!

Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!