Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday Night Update

First the only "bad" news - can't get my Shelfari bookshelf to display on my blog. Can't quite figure out why yet. Yes, I tried the Blogger Help - followed the instructions and emptied my cookies - or tossed my cookies ... whatever it's called (kidding) ... and still no luck. Oh well.
Try again later or chuck the whole deal, right?

Good news - am very happy with the overall look of the "new" rebuilt blog I ended up with today - after I mistakenly dumped most of my pictures and widgets this morning.
Peace after the panic!

The kids went to bed with little argument tonight so Kirk and I got to watch the new episode of "Ghost Hunters" in relative peace - with the exception of the furry kids, as always ...
Love, love, LOVE that show!
My girlfriend Kim got to meet them when she was back home in Philly last summer and even got her picture taken with them (Jay and Grant) in front of Eastern State Penitentiary. Lucky girl!!

Weird note - watched most of "Moment of Truth" tonite. That is a seriously messed up television program! I cannot understand why seemingly sane and normal people would want to go on national t.v. (hell, international t.v. if you consider YouTube and the other far-flung reaches of the Internet) and willingly reveal such horrible personal and family secrets for money!
I mean, really?!?!?
Why on earth would someone do that?

And the voiceover announcer is so over-the-top ... "coming up next ... now that John Doe has destroyed his family ... made his mother, his wife, his father, his sister-in-law and his best friend cry ... how will he answer the next excruciating questions ..."
(I'm paraphrasing but you get the gist of it.)

Of course, I'm the dumb bunny that sat there and did not change the channel, huh?
I can't explain it.
It's like watching a slow-motion train wreck ... I couldn't look away! I just sat there, trying to figure out the WHY of the whole show.
But there is no why, is there?
It is what it is.

I'm going to plan on reading a book next Wednesday night at 8 p.m. ... I can't get sucked in again!

Ah, well... such is life, right?

I'm tired, I'm babbling and I'm heading to bed.

'Night all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Ghost Hunters! Last March my family and I went down to Tombstone just to visit the Birdcage that was featured in one of their episodes. It was spooky.


Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!