Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Red Paint or Fresh Blood?


I love my friends.

Yesterday I was on the teetering on the edge of a total meltdown, over-stressed from a thousand different things, which manifested itself in the blog post of me whining about the library job, my small visitor count, my lack of money, and my frustrating stupidity when it comes to Adsense.

And guess what happened?

My blog friends responded with support, advice, compliments, and funny comments.

Heather (Coal Miner's Granddaughter), Momma (Poetic License), Jen (Jennifer Has Spoken), Miss Britt (Miss Britt), Dr. Cissa Fireheart (Heart of Fire), and Robin (My Inner Teen), and Ray (Nitro Vista).

I totally LOVE you guys.

I promise not to climb back out on the ledge any time soon.

Well, unless I don't get that library job. And if that happens, some really good things better start happening in our life here. Because, seriously? I can't take much more of this crap.

Honestly, Universe. We're due. We're ready for something good.

And, truly, if you send another another rotten, mean-spirited event our way I'm gonna lose it.

I'm going to mix myself an extra-large cocktail, strip off all my clothes, climb out on that ledge and scream at the top of my lungs.

And then, I'll climb back in, and blog about it.

'Cause you know, I have friends.


RiverPoet said...

You're damned skippy, you have friends! And we won't let the universe hurt you. It's always a wild ride, though, so have a drink, hang on, and get ready for adventure!

Peace - D

Jen said...

Make sure you video tape yourself when you mix yourself that drink......

Lori said...

(sniff) You're making me tear up, you're so sweet.

You're a wicked, wicked girl!

Cissa Fireheart said...

Glad you are feeling better...we all deserve a day of complaining...isn't that why we blog? LOL

Hope you enjoyed the drink!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

And I'm so glad I found you in the blogverse and that we're friends!

BTW, could you hand me a drink, too? My front yard is full of fucking weeds and I don't know how I'm going to get them all pulled so that my neighborhood association doesn't mutiny and kick me out. Blech!

Lori said...

Dr Cissa-
I enjoyed the drink.
I am not enjoying the slight headache this morning.

You can have as many as you'd like. Those neighborhood ass people suck. Thank god we don't have one here.

Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!