Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Six Quirky Things About Me

OK. Here goes. Just so you know - I had to get help on this from Katie and Kirk. There were just too many to choose from. Thank you and multiple hugs and kisses to Cissa for tagging me.

1. I love chocolate donuts and orange juice. This grosses my family out to no end. I looooove milk too, but sometimes I just get a craving for chocolate milk and o.j. I've been this way since I was little so it's not likely to change.

2. I cannot bring myself to watch end-of-the-world movies like Deep Impact, or I Am Legend ... but can watch true crime television shows (complete with crime scene photos) without batting an eye. Unless it involves kids - and then I wimp out and change the channel.

3. I have a really good ear for dialects, and used to amaze my patients (and break the ice) by trying to guess where they were from. Vegas gets residents from all around the world, you know. The last memorable one was when I guessed my patient was Welsh and I was spot-on. He was also incredibly cool and witty, and we totally bonded.

4. I always have something to write on, wherever I go. Even if it's just a small pad of paper - it's in my purse. If something pops into my head - whatever it may be - I have to write it down to remember it or it's lost forever. As a bonus quirk - I am very particular about my pens. I have a few favorites that everyone in my house knows they can't take without asking.

5. I have a decision-making disorder. I'm not exaggerating. It takes me hours to choose what I want in a restaurant, what to spend a gift card on, what to wear for a date-night out, etc ...
It drives my family crazy and I get nothing but grief from them. But I just can't make snap decisions!

6. I met my husband on a blind date. My girlfriend Beck kept telling me she had the perfect guy for me but I kept resisting the introduction. And then came the night she finally got us together. The minute he walked in the door I heard a loud CLICK in my head. I went home that night, went straight to my room and sat on the floor in my closet for almost 5 minutes - until my mom walked in. She asked Beck, "What's wrong with her?" Beck said "She met Kirk." I then informed my Mom that I had just met the man I was going to marry. I was so sure of it - and it scared the crap out of me. And here we are - 15 years later.

Now I get to tag some other folks ...

The Rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you. Cissa at Heart of Fire, I Heart You!

2. Mention the rules on your blog.

3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.

4. Tag 6 bloggers and link them.

I am kinda stupid about creating links without using the address. Please forgive me!

I tag Anne (Ficklin Fam), Rhonda (A Day In The Life of the Dale Fam), Jen (Jennifer Has Spoken), Vickie (Stagno Per Anitre), Kaitlin (Kaitlin's Blog / onex3dg) and Robin (My Inner Teen).

5. Notify taggees by leaving a comment on their blog.

Whew! That was fun. But very taxing on my little grey cells. I'm finishing the tag from Momma and should be able to post it in a little while. Now I just have to send off comments to my tagees!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I didn't know we were playing tag! LOL!

Thomas likes to play with your mouse ... he'll even purr!